Buy graphics cards: beginners

In our graphics card special we look more closely what graphics card rows are currently worth buying a purchase in terms of price-value. In addition to the current prices, we will also look at the price development of the last months. At the beginning we explain why the prices continue to be enormous - because in relation, graphics cards are much more expensive than two years ago. From page 2 follow tips for buying and installing graphics cards that are mainly focused on those who may buy a new graphics card for the first time or assemble a new PC for which you are looking for a graphics card. In the end, the current purchase advice already described will follow.

Price screw: the diverse reasons

It is currently still true that the prices for graphics cards are enormously high compared to the fall of 2020. For about 300 to 500 euros, you could get a good graphics card, the games in WQHD (2560 x 1440 pixels) can get a good graphics card. Currently, it starts only from just under 450 euros if you want to play a reasonably carefree at Full-HD (1920 x 1080). Among 450 euros are only conditionally recommendable entry-level graphics cards. While it is so that all relevant graphics card rows have come to the market from about 450 euros in or after autumn 2020, so you can not perform an immediate price comparison between today and the fall 2020.

Table of Contents

  1. Page 1 graphics: Introduction and the current price bolt
    1. 1.1Price screw: the diverse reasons
  2. Page 2 graphics: Maximum length and power adapter Before buying
    1. 2.1vor to buy: graphics card length
    2. 2.1.1vor to the purchase: matching power supply 3rd page 3 graphics: Volume and tips for installation
    3. 3.1 cooler, overclocking and volume
    4. 3.1.1 graphics card installation and matching drivers
  3. Page 4 graphics: Price development, price performance and buying recommendations
    1. 4.1 graphics cards: prices, development and purchase advice
  4. Page 5 picture gallery for "Buy graphics cards: Tips for buying and installation as well as...

  5. Open

However, you can consider the prices of a few graphics card rows already available then and also convert to the new models, and you can also use the release prices of the newer graphics card series as a benchmark to calculate price increases. It is concluded that you have to pay for a certain performance x today 50 to 100 percent more than a half years ago. The causes of this have to do with the Covid pandemic: a highly grown demand for microchips of all kinds does not apply to a large capacity of production sites that are additionally slowed by safety measures and lockdowns.

For graphics cards, in addition to higher demand by gamer, there is also a demand by Miner, which helps graphics cards mainly scraping the crypto ethereum. Because of the high course of the crypto currency is worthwhile for a miner of buying graphics cards despite extremely high prices. The effect of miner is difficult to calculate, but as some graphics cards are actually sold to more expensive prizes than others, even good or even better graphics cards, one must assume that there are miner at the works. In contrast to players, miners can calculate tough, whether the purchase of a card is worthwhile by using a certain course level of crypto currency for the next few months to calculate the yield through the graphics card. You then deduct the acquisition and electricity costs. There is something left, the purchase is worthwhile even if you just scrapped the card at the end.

Last but not least, there are even scalper - these are distributors who coveted goods coveted at regular shops, mostly using bot software and speculate that prices continue to rise to sell them. Scalper, especially with limited goods such as special sneaker models, is there, but there is also there for graphics cards or the game consoles Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, as it was clear that the goods were because of the discrepancy between supply and Demand even without scalper would be very scarce.

How to choose a graphics card: Your 2020 buying guide Of course, our example is a simplification of the situation. But the declared mechanism has extended from the basic principle since the fall 2020 on all graphics card series, as demand has become so great across all performance classes that AMD and Nvidia did not go back to production.

Page 1 Graphics Cards: Introduction and the current price bolt

Page 2 Graphics Cards: Pay attention to maximum length and power supply before buying

Page 3 Graphics Cards: Volume and Tips for Installation

Page 4 Graphics Cards: Price development, price performance and buying recommendations Page 5 picture gallery for graphics cards: Tips for buying and installation as well as buying advice Next page Next page Next page Next page To the gallery to the homepage
