Guild Wars 2: That's why everyone should look into the new beta tonight tonight

The fourth beta event to Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons starts on the evening of 30 November 2021 — so today! After we were allowed to try only three elite specs in the previous test periods, this time all nine elite specs from End of Dragons are available. Even if you have already tried them in one of the previous beta events, it's worth looking in. Because the developers have implemented a lot beta feedback of the players and made some changes.

Also new in Guild Wars 2: After seven years, there are also new hairstyles and faces in GW2!

More about: All elite specs from End of Dragons at a glance

New riding of End of Dragons playable for the first time

In addition, the co-op riding siege turtle will be playable for the first time. This mount is a real premiere in GW2, because it can transport two players at the same time! So Taxi plays, done as co-pilot opponents with Jade guns or just explore with a friend the world — the new mount it makes possible. We have already summarized for you what special skills has the new mount of EOD.

How long does the fourth beta event take from End of Dragons?

The beta with all elite specs and the new Mount from Guild Wars 2 (Buy Now €49.95) End of Dragons takes from 30 November 2021 to 4 December. The starting signal is probably falling around 17 or 18 Clocks, as it was the case with patches in the past.

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons - Official Cinematic Reveal Trailer How do beta characters work?

Logs to you in the period of the event, you will find three characters available in the character selection menu, which are available for Elite Specs. This creates your beta characters, which are directly equipped to level 80 and fully equipped. These are subject to a few (logical) restrictions:

They are only temporarily available and disappear after the event. The game progress of a beta char is not stored. As soon as he disappears in the fogs, all the information recorded on your account will also disappear while you played him. (Via Arena net) The beta characters have access to the existing content such as the open world, instances (Dungeons, Fractal & Co), PVP or WOW.

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